Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nighttime Blues

So it's 10 PM. I've been asleep for about 2 hours. I woke up to the lovely melody of the dog scratching at the door. I let the dog out then figured he had a good idea. Sometimes, a pee bucket is a great thing. I hate those late night trips to the chimbu. Right after I crawled back into bed, just as soon as I was drifting to sleep...dude...there was something going on under the bed. The cat was catching a mouse. Oh yeah! I almost grabbed my headlamp to look under the bed to watch. I'll be honest its cool to see. Like national geographic but on a much smaller scale. Almost looked. I'm not sure why I didn't actually. Some reason. But then the fight moved out to the main room. I was up. Things were getting heated. Let the games begin! My headlamp. My spotlight for tonight's events; bestowed something that sent a shiver running down my spine. Not only my cat was on the hunt. This was a joint effort. A cat and dog team. Each taking their turns nipping at tonight's intruder...the deadly snake.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Because pictures say a thousand words...

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This is where I draw water.

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There is a river and waterfall only an hour or two bike ride from my village.

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Pious and I found a lizard. You can find lizards everywhere in Zambia!

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This is a huge crocodile that I saw at a crocodile farm in Livingstone. You can find crocodiles in the wild in Zambia, but they're not common where I live.

There's a few pictures! I hope you enjoy. I'm going back to the village for a few weeks.