Sunday, February 23, 2014

Bottoms Up

The rains have been falling every day for months now. My garden is growing, slowly, and I have been enjoying lots of time to read books. My house leaks, but nowhere important. And I can light a brazier or put on a blanket to keep me warm. I enjoy the rain and the growth. It is almost a different landscape than it was a few months ago. The farmers here burn their fields after every harvest. So instead of seeing black and brown, the singe of grasses that once were. I see vibrant green everywhere. Crops are growing and people are looking forward to their share of crops and money that will come almost all at once. Hunger season will end. Unfortunately, with the great influx of money that comes in there will also be a big influx in drinking. Money management is difficult for the villagers (many have never even been taught). So all the money they make will be blown on alcohol and solar panels and new chitenges. In a few months they will be hungry again.

Alcoholism is common in rural Zambia. Because of this life is more difficult for themselves and their families. Precious money is being wasted away. As well as time and energy. To those of us that don't have a problem or are not in their situations the answer is blatantly simple. Stop drinking. But, like for many people. alcohol is a powerful coping mechanism. It gives people a few hours of freedom from their problems. That is precious to them. That feeling is precious to everyone. When you are looking at your 7 malnourished children, you started having at 15; when you have never been anywhere other than your village; when you drop out of school in the 7th grade because your parents couldn't pay for school fees; when you watched your parents drinking daily your whole life. Would you want to escape? Would you be able to handle your problems head on? Unfortunately, that answer is no for many people. It is a common and sadly socially acceptable activity for many in the village. 

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